Thursday, October 19, 2023

Information: Non-Surgical Protocol (Achilles Tendon Conservative Management Weightbearing)

Achilles Tendon Conservative Management Weightbearing

What to expect?

Phase 1 (injury to 4 weeks after):

Rehabilitation Plan 

  • Wear the boot with 5 wedges all the time, including at night.
  • Use your crutches and put some weight through your foot when you walk
  • Remove the boot once a day to wash your foot and change your socks
  • DO NOT stretch your calf muscle
  • You will see a Foot and Ankle consultant 4 weeks after your injury

Phase II (4-8 weeks after injury):

Rehabilitation Plan 

  • Remove one wedge from the bottom of the stack each week and replace the top of the stack into the boot
  • Follow advice given by your Foot and Ankle consultant.
  • DO NOT stretch your calf muscle

Phase III (8-10 weeks after injury):

Rehabilitation Plan 

  • Remove the last wedge from the boot at week 8.
  • Wear the boot alone for a further 2 weeks.
  • You will have your first physiotherapy session 9-10 weeks after your injury.
Read More: 

IMPORTANT: Orthopedic Surgeon / Doctor may have a different non-surgical protocol. The default patient protocol is to follow what doctors recommend as they know all the information of the patient.

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